Chicken Andoulle Gumbo


1 chicken (2 1/2 Ibs.)            

1 lb. Andouille sausage, sliced

3 qts. water            

I bay leaf

1 1/2 Ibs. fresh okra            

1 tsp. thyme

1/2 cup flour            

1 tsp. basil

1 large onion, chopped            

1 tsp. cayenne pepper

1 large bell pepper, chopped            

1 tsp. black pepper

2 ribs celery, chopped            

2 tsp. salt

2 cloves garlic, minced            

1 tsp. file 

1  16 oz. can tomatoes


Cut chicken into eight pieces; cover with water and simmer approximately 1 hour, until chicken is tender and easily removed from the bones. Pour off stock and set aside. Allow chicken to cool; remove from bones and set aside. Meanwhile, slice okra and saute in about 2 tablespoons of oil until all ropiness is gone (about 1/2 hour). In a heavy Dutch oven, combine 1/2 cup of oil and 1/2 cup of flour. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently to make a dark brown roux. Add onion, bell pepper, celery and garlic and sauté until vegetables are tender. Add sautéed okra, tomatoes and sliced Andouille sausage. Cook for about 15 minutes. Add bay leaf, thyme, basil, pepper and salt. Add the chicken stock, mix well and bring to a slow boil. Simmer for approximately I 1/2 hours with the pot loosely covered, stirring occasionally. Add cooked chicken and simmer an additional 15 minutes. Remove from heat. Skim off excess fat. Slowly stir in file. Do not reboil after adding file as this tends to make the gumbo stringy. Serve over steamed rice.

From their take home menu: Gumbo Shop , 630 Saint Peter Street, New Orleans, LA

“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case