Written Family History - Some say Navarro she says Navarra...

This was scanned from a notebook that Mary Poirrier (Gamy) kept notes. Here are her history pages. Except for the fact that she left one of her daughters, Estelle Rita off in the top listing of her children, and spelled my Mom's name Alice Anna instead of Alice Ann, I believe the rest of the information is correct.

(Estelle did move to Mississippi, maybe she got lost in the pinney woods.) 

Note: Estelle does appear in listing below with her husband Bernard Papania.

09-30-~3 (2)  09-30-~4 (2)

Poirrier Children  Gampys Mom & Dad                                                          

Gammy's Mom & Dad Gammy Grandparents

gampys parents  G & G wedding Date



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