Rubye’s Artichoke & Shrimp Casserole


3 cans of artichoke hearts, quartered

5 lbs. shrimp (before peeling)

1-2 sticks of butter or margarine

1 lg. and 1 small can of Cream of Mushroom soup

1 ½ - 2 lbs of sliced mushrooms

Dash of Lea and Perrin

Dash of cooking sherry

Top with Italian cheese, parsley flakes, and paprika


Spread the artichoke hearts out in a 13x9 pan to make the first layer. Sauté the shrimp in margarine or butter until pink. Do not put all shrimp in at once, instead take the time to place only one layer of shrimp at a time and turn each shrimp individually. Leave unused butter/margarine in pan. Place shrimp evenly on top of artichoke hearts. Sauté mushrooms in butter/margarine (add more margarine/butter if necessary). You may have to cook the mushrooms in 2 batches (depending  upon the size of your skillet). Spread mushrooms on top of artichoke and shrimp. Make a sauce with the mushroom soup, Worcestershire sauce and sherry. You can do this in the same skillet that was used for the shrimp and mushrooms and any unused margarine/butter. Pour over the ingredients in the casserole dish. Sprinkle parsley flakes, paprika, and parmesan cheese on top. Bake at 350°F for about 30 minutes. Or until the sauce bubbles

Note: Not included in her handwritten recipe, she listed ingredients only, but as told to me the first time I made it. P.S. I do not add the sherry when I make it)

A little bit of history: One day while at Mama’s, she had her notebook out with handwritten recipes. I asked if I could take a picture with my phone and she said yes. I had made this before when she gave the ingredients and directions to me over the phone (years ago). So, this recipe is a copy of her handwritten recipe (which does not include directions) and a copy of her verbal directions to me over the phone. If memory serves me correctly, she found this recipe in the newspaper and I believe it was once served to President John F. Kennedy. So, this recipe goes way back! I think I use about roughly 2 lbs or slightly more of peeled shrimp when I make this dish. 

Aline (Ory) Delgado & her mom Rubye Ory. Aline submitted this recipe. 

“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case