New Orleans Barbecued Shrimp

Note: To Yankees - Barbecued here does not mean pull out the Weber Grill.


2 Ibs. shrimp in shells (with heads is best)

1/2 stick butter (or oleo)

1 pint Italian Salad Dressing

1 Tbsp. black pepper (more if you like)


Rinse shrimp well and spread in a baking pan. Cut butter in small pieces and spread over shrimp. Pour salad dressing over shrimp and sprinkle with black pepper. Refrigerate for several hours. Bake at 300°F for 30 minutes stirring every 10 minutes. Serve in soup bowls with French bread to dip in the sauce.

From: Alice Ann (Poirrier) Broussard

“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case