Marion’s Banana Nut Bread

 This Makes 2 Loaves


1/2 cup Shortening

1 & 1/2 cup Sugar

2 Eggs

1 & 3/4   cup Flour

1 tsp   Cinnamon

1/2 tsp  Nutmeg

1/2 tsp   Salt

1 tsp    Baking Soda

1/2 cup    Buttermilk

2 or 3     Bananas, mashed

1/2 c     Nuts, chopped

1 tsp     Vanilla

1 tsp     Lemon Juice


Cream shortening, sugar and eggs.  Mix dry ingredients and add. Add Buttermilk, lemon, bananas, nuts and vanilla. Bake in loaf pans (greased and floured) at 350°F for 45 minutes.

Note:  A substitution for buttermilk:  Use milk and add 1/2 tsp more of baking soda.

Marion White

From Marion (Poirrier) White
My Mom's Sister

“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case