Angela's Banana Split Cake


3 cups crushed graham crackers ( 2 sections of crackers out of box)                                                        

3 1/2 sticks of oleo (margarin)

1 box confectioners sugar

2 eggs, beaten (can use egg beaters)

1 (16 oz) can crushed pineapple (drained)

1 (15 oz) tub of Cool Whip

1 small jar maraschino cherries, diced

3 - 5 Bananas

Pecan pieces to garnish

Chocolate syrup to garnish


Combine crumbs with 2 sticks melted oleo (margarin); Press into 13 x 9 inch pan & put in refrigerator. Mix together Sugar, Eggs & 1 1/2 oleo, Beat until creamy consistency of frosting. Spread over crust. Add sliced Bananas and Pineapple layer. Top with Cool Whip, Top that with pecans & cherries, Drizzle chocolate syrup on top. Refrigerate & cut into squares to serve.

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From Angela Papania
my cousin Len's wife 

“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case