Hogs Head Cheese



1 fresh pork picnic ham with skin

6 fresh pigs feet (provides gel)

1 bunch green onions, chopped

1 cup chopped parsley

1 tbsp. paprika

4 cloves garlic, minced

Salt & pepper to taste


Place all ingredients in a large pot and cover with water. Simmer until meat is tender. Remove meat from broth. Discard fat and bones chop meat into small pieces. Return meat to broth and simmer until thick. Correct seasoning. Pour into long loaf pans.


Another recipe:


1 pig's head

4 pig's feet 

2 pig's ears

2 med. size onions, whole

1 bunch celery, including leafy tops

2 bay leaves

1/4 tsp. pepper red

1 tsp. black pepper

2 tbsp. salt 

1 cup vinegar


Place pig's head, feet and ears in large, deep pot, and add water to cover. Add all seasonings except vinegar; cover pot and boil over low flame 2-3 hours until meat leaves bone. Mince meat coarsely; arrange on mold or pan.  Add vinegar to Juice remaining in pot. Pour this liquid over meat in mold; refrigerate until mold has set, or congealed. When cold, slice and serve.

Note: The Pig's ears & feet provide gel - can use Knox Gelatin instead 2-3 envelopes

From Cooks.com 


“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case