Bootsie’s Stuffed Artichokes

My cousin Babette made this during my 2010 Alaska visit


3-4 artichokes

15 oz Italian bread crumbs

2-4 cups parmesan cheese

1 bulb garlic (chopped)

1 cup olive oil

 2-4 cups artichoke water


Boil artichokes 20 minutes. Save water. Mix olive oil, bread crumbs, garlic, mashed stems, and saved water. Stuff artichokes & steam 30-40 minutes. 

Hints for the novice: 

*Cut the tips of each leaf with kitchen scissors. *To keep artichoke cut tips from turning brown rub with lemon juice. *Do not eat the fuzzy (choke) part of the artichoke - can remove before or after stuffing. *Do not throw away the base (heart) of the artichoke, give it to someone who treasures it.

Stuffed Artichokes - Rose Mary "Bootsie" Poirrier's Recipe as made by Babette (Poirrier) McIlroy

My Aunt Rose Mary Poirrier

Babette (Poirrier) Mcilroy (my First Cousin)


“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case