Artichoke Balls


2  cloves of Garlic, pureed

2 tablespoons Olive Oil

2   8-ounce cans hearts of artichokes, drained & mashed

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/2 cup grated Parmesan Cheese

1/2 cup Italian Bread Crumbs


Sauté garlic in oil. Add artichokes & eggs and cook over low heat about 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and add crumbs and cheese. Roll into individual balls, using about 1 tsp. mixture for each; roll in mixture of crumbs and cheese. Chill until firm. Yield: 4 dozen

This one came from my sister Mary Lynn (Broussard) Huguet.

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“Every one can cook. If you try. If you put a little love into it.” Chef Leah Case